RepComms co-founder Patrick Barrow has been chipping in to media in recent months, offering his take on the news as it happens from debanking to the Rugby World Cup, reporting the Middle East to cross-Channel cinema angst and all with an eye on the reputational impact from Budweiser to the BBC, Coutts to Carney.
Film director Ridley Scott is the latest in the lens as Barrow looks at French reaction to his biopic of the giant little general and emperor Napoleon. Are Franco film-goers overreacting or has Ridley ranged too far in his depiction of the man who made France but plunged Europe into conflict? And, as drama and history compete, Barrow asks whether a little artistic licence really detracts from the great man’s reputation, whatever that may be.
You can read his latest article in Reaction.Life here, as well as contributions to The Critic and others.