We are
A leading PR Agency...

Providing senior, trusted and effective crisis communications and public relations.

Reputation Communications is a specialist strategic crisis communications and reputation management PR agency. We provide top-tier PR advice to businesses, organisations and individuals, helping them manage their reputational challenges.

In other words, we offer senior counsel in crisis and issues, trusted advice on reputation and expertise in media relations.

What we do is informed by years working in the media and for some of the worlds biggest brands and blue-chip multi-nationals; Reputation Communications combines in-sight with experience to deliver game-changing advice when you most need it.

Corporate Communications
Corporate Communications
Media Relations
Media Relations
Crisis and Issues
Crisis and Issues
Change Management
Change Management
Digital and Social Media
Digital and Social Media
Media Training
Media Training

What is Crisis PR?

Operational risks and social issues arise throughout a company’s life-cycle; you cannot simply hope for the best.
It’s about preparing for the worst and turning it to your advantage, and this is where our crisis PR team steps in to offer only the best course of action.

Your reputation is simply too valuable to hand to anyone else, so please feel free to contact us.
A chat, or even a little advice, costs nothing.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Welcome to Reputation Communications

Welcome to RepComms.

Patrick Barrow

Patrick Barrow, MD, Reputation Communications

If you’re reading this site, the chances are you’re looking for a guide through the reputational Badlands.

They’re more treacherous than ever. Not only has social media proliferated but its whipped on traditional media to doom and clickbait. Add the political atomisation of our times in which a moderate view is never allowed and exaggerated accusations fly and you couldn’t be blamed for running for cover.

Unfortunately, few in the public eye are allowed that luxury. Worse, privacy for what was once the private individual is a dying notion.

But fear not, help is at hand. Here at RepComms we know the terrain, the tribes, the mountains and the swamps. And we’ll navigate you through them.

It’s tough when feeling alone, pressured and judged. What you want is personal support, good advice and, above all, confident expertise.  As our client, you’ll get all three.

My name is Patrick Barrow, I’m MD here at RepComms. Like everyone, I’m on Google and LinkedIn and you can read all about me there. It’s where we all start. But, probably better, give me  a call or drop me a line and we can talk confidentially and with the utmost discretion.

Details are on the Contact page but, to save you searching, patrick@reputationscommunications.com and 0203 189 1951 would be good places to start.

I look forward to hearing from you.

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