
Diplomatic Bagsy – RepComms gets the top invites

With the world of geopolitics in the grip of war fever, stand-offs, stand-to’s and firefighting, RepComms has been undertaking some shuttle diplomacy of its own recently, attending all the events that matter on London’s busy seminar and reception circuit.

First, in the footsteps of T E  Laurence, Viscount Northcliffe and other luminaries of global influence, to the Royal Overseas League and a gathering of academics, diplomats and journalists to discuss the future of the Middle Corridor.

Also known as the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route, the Middle Corridor is multimodal trade network of road, rail and ferry routes linking China to Europe through the economies of Central Asia, the Caucasus, Turkey and Eastern Europe. Seen as an opportunity to diversify trade routes, enhance connectivity and address sanction compliance issues in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The discussion centred on the impact of current geopolitical instability on supply chains and the Middle Corridor itself, and the ways in which global powers are mitigating these impacts.

Intriguing and fascinating stuff. The Great Game is still afoot. And with RepComms’ friend, American/Czech economics and education foundation CERGE-EI bringing together the very best in global expertise, an informative gathering of influencers.

On then to Mayfair and a Q & A session with the Finnish Ambassador to London, H.E Jukka Siukosaari. Like other Baltic and Nordic states, Finland has found itself thrust into front line status as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine places renewed focus on NATO and its northern frontier.

With sharp and historically recent experience of dealing with its neighbour’s aggression, the lakeland nation is bringing to bear both its defence and diplomatic lessons and adding weight to the multinational response.

Again, a Chatham House rules event so more than that we cannot report. Suffice to say, however, that the Finns impress.

Next in the RepComms diplomatic bag are top tickets to the London Defence Conference to be held in partnership between Reaction.Life, to which RepComms MD Patrick Barrow is a regular contributor, and King’s College, London at the former home of the BBC World Service at Bush House, London

An invitation only event but RepComms will bring you what the rules allow in what experience suggests is becoming one of the most important gatherings on the pressing issue of our age.







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